Mapping in Newcastle and Gateshead

A pilot to map the projects, initiatives, co-operatives and individuals in the North East of England who are actively engaging in environmental and social justice.

Across Newcastle & Gateshead, work has been taking place to explore how we can respond to the crisis that climate change presents to our social, political, civic and economic lives.

The NewBridge Project and the Solidarity Economy Association are collaborating to create a useful tool that can make visible and strengthen all of the organisations, projects, initiatives and individuals in the area who are offering an alternative to the extractive and oppressive mainstream economic system.

In short, we’re creating a map of things that are helping people to meet their material and social needs in ways that don’t harm people or the planet, and in ways that are contributing to building a more just and sustainable world.

Around the world, this type of activity is known as the solidarity economy.

The solidarity economy is an economy that serves everyone. It is made up of lots of different types of activity: informal meetings, grassroots organisations, and local community groups, through to legally-recognised businesses, associations and networks of organisations. These initiatives may look very different, but they are all working towards building a just and sustainable world. You can find out more about what the solidarity economy is here. 

What are the aims of the project?

This mapping will allow us to:

  • Recognise and celebrate what is already happening in our region;
  • Look at what is missing;
  • Join the dots to create a collaborative and stronger voice and;
  • Enable us to better share resources and drive forward change.

This responsive mapping builds on the conversations and outcomes of previous programmes at The Newbridge Project, Deep Adaptation and Hidden Civil War, and in particular their collective exploration into ideas of Resilience, Relinquishment, Restoration and Response-ability.

It will also be a starting point to plan future artistic and community-led activity and action in response to pressing social and ecological issues, through working closely with people and projects across Newcastle and Gateshead. This conversation will be community-led; building on people’s experiences of living and working locally.

Solidarity Economy Association is using our Linked Open Data technology framework to create the digital map.

How can I get involved?

Find out more about Deep Adaptation at The NewBridge Project

Deep Adaptation was a programme of commissions, events, public-realm interventions, talks, workshops and film screenings exploring how current social, political, civic and economic issues can be understood in relation to climate change.

Visit The NewBridge Project website