Four new women’s co-operative projects open in Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (Rojava)


The latest article to be reposted on our Co-operation in Mesopotamia website is a report into several new co-operative projects that have been established in the region. This article was originally published by ANF English on 15 October 2018 and reposted on Co-operation in Mesopotamia’s website on 22 October 2018.


Several new women’s co-operative projects have opened in the Jazira region of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (Rojava).


The projects focus on agriculture, animal husbandry, food, and clothing, and will contribute yet further to the thriving women’s economy in the region. They are located in the city of Hesekê and have been developed by the Women’s Committee in the Hesekê Economy Directorate.


The projects are run co-operatively and include:


A dairy farm in Hesekê’s El Silêymaniyê village, which has been built by 11 women and active since 1st September. Duha Mihemed, one of the women involved in the project, said that it was important for the spirit of partnership, and to prevent commercial fraud.


The Inanna Kitchen, which opened in the El Kelase village of Hesekê, where women prepare food for the winter and sell it for well below market prices, and prepare daily meals. One of the project’s partners, Zêneb Umer, said they are taking some of the burden off women’s shoulders.


The Ishtar Women’ Bakery in the El Nasre neighbourhood, opened by 8 women.


The Women’s Committee has been supporting the development of agriculture in Hesekê too, distributing most of the region’s arable land among 300 women. These women have started to produce crops in these plots, and wells will also be created in the coming days.


In addition, generators have been established along several of the city’s streets, providing power for 130 homes each.


Women’s Committee administrator Cewhera Mihemed said they are launching new projects to develop the women’s economy in the region though co-operatives.


Every week Co-operation in Mesopotamia translates and reposts articles from around the world that tell the story of the growing co-operative economy in the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (Rojava). Click here to browse the articles –

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