Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 6-8pm

For Solidarity: What do we really mean?
Tuesday 23rd July 2019, 6-8pm
(Optional drop-in between 3-6pm)
The NewBridge Project : Gateshead
Free and All Welcome – please reserve a space through this link
We are collaborating with The Newbridge Project in Newcastle & Gateshead to create a useful tool which can make visible and strengthen organisations, projects, initiatives and individuals in the area who offer an alternative to the extractive and oppressive mainstream economic system.
We are creating a map of everything that helps people meet their material and social needs in ways that do not harm people or the planet, contributing to a more just and sustainable world. This type of activity is known as the solidarity economy.
This workshop will help us build a collective understanding of what the solidarity economy is and what it means for our work. We will be asking:
• What do we really mean when we talk about solidarity?
• How do we work across imbalances of privilege and power?
• How can we use the map to strengthen the solidarity economy in our region?
The event will be relaxed and informal with food and drinks. There will be an opportunity to have discussions in small groups or simply come and listen to what others have to share.
The event is free and open to all. Please book your free place using the Eventbrite link so we can have an idea of numbers for catering. Food will be vegetarian and vegan, please let us know if you have any other dietary requirements.
If you cannot make it to the evening workshop you are also invited to drop-in anytime between 3-6pm where we will be available to talk about For Solidarity and how we can work together. This work is part of a wider project to map the solidarity economy across the whole of the UK. For more information visit the Solidarity Oxford Map.
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