We’re pleased to say we’ll be attending Open:2018 again this year, and we’re looking forward to collaborating with a number of people on two sessions about our work to map the solidarity economy using Linked Open Data. The sessions will share the progress we’ve been making on this work since our presentation last year, and collaboratively explore how we’ll address
We’re calling for UK co-ops to support Northern Syria’s transition to a feminist, co-operative economy — attend one of our Rojava Co-operative Solidarity workshops and find out how you can get involved. The Rojava Revolution taking place in Northern Syria is transitioning the region into a gender equal, and democratic society, based on communes, co-operatives and citizen committees. The
Members of the Co-operative College have voted unanimously in favour of a resolution, put forward by the Solidarity Economy Association at the College’s AGM, to support the growth of the co-operative economy in Rojava, Northern Syria. Over the past five years, the co-operative movement in Northern Syria has seen unprecedented growth, from nothing to 3% of the economy, despite